
Informática Installation and configuration of systems of backups

What is a Backup ?

A Backup, is a duplicate of our more important information, that make for salvaguardar the documents, archives, photos, etc., of our computer, just in case occurred some problem that prevented us access to the originals that have in him.
This Backup also designates Copy of Backrest and even, will be able to find us with the denomination Backup in English terms.
We can lose our information or at least not being able to access to her by motives very diverse, from infections of the system by virus and malware, failures of hardware (courts of current and beaks of tension, excesses of temperature and harms in the devices),turn wrong of the squad, problems motivated by some program, harms of the user when erasing archives by error, etc.
To the hour to select that contained save in these copies, have to think always in the level of importance of the information, that is to say, that important personal archives have in your computer and cuales could suppose a big problem lose them, like photographs, documents of the work, personal documentation, etc., those, obviously are those that have to ensure always.
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