
Informática Recovery or erased of data

Recovery of fast data, sure and confidential.
It has lost the data of his hard disk? His hard disk no longer works?.

We recover data of hard disks, can advise him and explain the causes of the failure in his hard disk. 

In computing, a hard disk is a device of storage of data no volatile that employs a system of magnetic recording to store digital data. It composes of one or more dishes of rigid disks, joined by a same axis that turns to big speed inside a metallic box sealed, on each dish, and in each one of his faces, situates a head of reading/writing that floats on a thin plate of air generated by the rotation of the disks.
The main components of a hard disk are:
-Head of reading/writing

To continuation will do a brief description of the same:

Head of reading/writing:
 It is one of the most sensitive components and is the main mobile piece of the disk. The heads work varying the position inside the disk to be able to access to the information that need. This piece spends in the tip the ceramic pieces that they are sensitive components to the magnetic fields that compose the information. BECAUSE OF the weakness of the signal that generate these magnetic fields, the head has of an amplifier of signal lodged in the chassis of the heads.

The engine of a hard disk is an axis giratorio that maintains an exact speed.
Also called plate or PCB, is the part of the disk that commissions of the synchronisation of the distinct pieces of which is composed, as well as verify his operation.
It is the responsible part of the communication with the computer, in her lodges the bus of data and the diet.

The dishes are rigid elements that house a magnetic film in which they record the data. To measure that advances the technology, store in them more parameters of configuration of the disk.

It is the component of software that configures the disk, and contains all the necessary information to put the disk under way, communicate us with him, protect it and identify him. This component finds delivered among the electronic plate and the dishes.

Memories USB and cards by heart flash
The popularity of the pendrive  and memories flash augments, to measure that the technology allows them have main capacity of storage.
As any another device of storage, the memories USB and the cards by heart flash also are exposed to suffer a loss of data, although the information that store no always is valuable, is true that rare time possess a copy of the data stored in this type of device.
However, if you needs a recovery of professional data, of a device of storage with memory flash, have the technology for [Description: Ab Dates Recovery pendrive damaged] recover him his vital data and go back to put them in his hands.
The problems that usually have the devices with memory flash are:
- Archives sobrescritos.
- Inaccessible archives.
- Erased accidental or intentional.
- Infection by virus.
- Corrupt documents.
- Physical failure of the hardware.
Once recovered his information, this will be him give in the half of storage that you choose, in the majority of the cases uses the DVD.

In the case that any data was recoverable, there will be any charge by the evaluation or attempt of recovery of data.


Many times we think that to erase the information of a device of massive storage is sufficient with formatearlo or simply erase the files of the same. At all more far of the reality. The information contained in them can recover in the majority of the cases after making these operations.

We have of  the means to make an erased total of his hard disk leaving it intact and reusable; we clean all the sectors of the hard disk, including the defective sectors and unseen partitions (HPA). The possibility to recover the data by any method is invalid.

In the actuality, the administrators of the YOU confront to the pressure to ensure the confidentiality of the corporate data, clients, providers, etc. Besides, the companies have to fulfil with the law of data protection. Usually we find us that a lot of ancient hard disks contain a big quantity of personal and financial information that it can arrive to mistaken hands. If you needs to erase with security the data of hard disks and at the same time wants to undo of them of ecological way respecting the environment, put in contact with us.
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